Sunday kind of love

Sunday is a special kind of day for most of us. We spend the other six working, cleaning, in school But on Sunday we entertain the possibility of sleeping in on this very special morning. 

However, once in a great while, we are allowed the luxury of looking at ourselves through the universes looking glass.  Just to see that, something we think to be greater than ourselves, is simply not. Today was definitely one of those days.
Today I attended & enjoyed the second half of a 2 day writers conference. It was on screenplays, editing and publishing. I sat with my friend Lisa and I'm thankful, because she had insight, that I did not. She laughed with me and helped me enjoy my dorkiness. Oh! And! She gave me the coolest goody. I admired her rose gold pen and she said here I have more. It was truly the chuff of the day. Well, onward...  

It was great to hear that editing & publishing options are varied and widely available. The speakers spoke, with great enthusiasm, wisdom and a tinge of snobbery about the venues, resources and their own expertise available to the commoners and those of us shamelessly dreaming of becoming the next JK Rowling or Stephen King. 

However, I hope, when I am published and a poster of my face is on the side of New York city buses, that my ego stay in check.

I hope that when you see me sitting on the beach, reading a folded copy of The New York Times I will find it easy and delightful to take time to say hello to those lovelies that stop and whisper... Hey aren't you that writer?... I love your stuff!

It's great to know, larger than life authors are merely mortal beings and not as intimidating as I had first thought. Although, I still picture myself in a sweat at the thought of meeting some of the more well known mere mortals wearing capes and great big letter S's on their chests. LoL

So, for right now, it's just lil' old me, working out my life's desires, tackling my fiery fears and anticipating my sweet successes.

Today, for instance, I got out of bed, splashed some water on my tired eyes and skipped my happy ass, one foot in front of the other, right out the door and onto a brighter way of thinking. 

It was truly an exceptional Sunday. I hope yours was just as exceptional ❤
